Activating Your Anti Aging Body

Below are Lectures Given on Developing Your Anti – Aging Body at Taos Food Co Op 2024.

Stem Cell Development – Blood Creation – Cell Regeneration in humans and Jing – Qi – Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Below is a Lecture in full, below that is the Power Point Presentation used in that Lecture. Enjoy !

Learn the Life Cycle of your Body Cells and How to Generate New Ones

Part 1 Activating your Anti – Aging Body

Here is the Power Point Presentation Given with the Lecture!s9da87a71772a4a39982a9b8b8e6b6555&resid=DF813DB0894F8433!s9da87a71772a4a39982a9b8b8e6b6555&cid=df813db0894f8433&ithint=file%2Cpptx&redeem=aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3AvYy9kZjgxM2RiMDg5NGY4NDMzL0lRTnhlcWlkS25jNVNwZ3FtNHVPYTJWVkFVOHl2dlV2QUhDX0FGM05FM2FYei1Z&migratedtospo=true&embed=1&wdo=2

Part 2 of the Series Presented February 21,2024 Power Point Only

Covers Bio Electricity and Acupuncture

Part 3 Recap of the series presented March 20,2024

This covers the Immune System and Vaccine Effectiveness

Here is the PowerPoint Link

Anti Aging 3 immune System.pptx

Part 4 Cellular Renewal and Longevity

Power Point Link Below